Saturday, April 25, 2015

One Day!

You climbed through the ladder you were given but when it got to my turn, you removed it quickly so I wouldn’t climb.

I was at first confused and dismayed but I recovered from this evil you threw at me. It took me longer but I finally climbed. You made it tougher but you ended up making me tougher.

I climbed, without a ladder, using sharp rugged stones as stepping stones. Sometimes I fell and many times I was bruised.

I saw you way up there. Watching me struggle, watching me limp, watching me grunt and perspire. And all you did was smile.

Yes, you sat under the shade someone was kind enough to put there. You sat there, smiling at my pain, drinking cold bottled water someone was kind enough to give you while you watched with glee as the sun beat down on my perspiring wearied back.

Throw down the ladder I begged, you did not. Throw down some water I cried, you did not. Not even a hanky for my sweaty brows.

But I thank God that you are not my God. For all along, He was watching and giving me strength I never knew I had. Now that I have arrived where you once were, I have dropped back the ladder you removed so that other climbers can climb with ease.

And as I continue to climb, I pray that I am fortunate to meet a ladder or two left by more kindly souls than you, to help in my journey ahead.

Thank you for teaching me this great lesson – that with resilience persistence and faith, eventually we all get there, One Day!

To you my dear climbers, stay the course, work the talk, forget the naysayers, ignore the mockery and the gossip and through all of your pain, struggle and tears, you too will get it done – One Day!

© By Chalya Princess Miri-Gazhi

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