Citizens of heaven, lend me your ears. Come and let us reason together. This heaven that we seek, is it for real?
I have heard lots of tales about this heaven. I was told that its streets are made of gold. I was told that heaven is full of joy. I was also told that in heaven there is simply no sun, no moon, just the light of God exuding His glory from one end of heaven to another. Ah! I have heard a thousand songs describing the boundless joy that awaits those who make it to this heaven. Even worldly songs have lyrics that speak of a home that is heavenly and incomparable to the wealth and riches of this present world. From the pulpit, I have heard a million messages preached about the dangers of missing such an awesome place or the rewards that comes to anyone who as much as passes through the gates of heaven. Countless books have been written about this heaven. Endless analogies have been given in order that an understanding of the glorious and majestic splendour of heaven might be comprehended by the human mind. Some have claims of visions of heaven – true or false. Some have claims of visitations from heavenly beings – true or false.
Citizens of heaven, lend me your ears. Are these things true? Is there truly a place in existence like heaven? Where have all our dead brothers and sisters gone to? Where have all our dead moms and dads gone to? Where have all our deceased loved ones gone to? But the most intriguing and the most critical of questions, is this: ONE DAY, YOU TOO WILL BE GONE AND WHEN YOUR TIME IS UP, WHERE WILL YOU GO? The time of truth will surely come and then you must ask yourself, without an iota of a doubt, without a twinge of uncertainty and with a soul search that only you can do, what then will your answer be? When a revolver or a gun is at your head, and you have just 2 minutes to live and your time is up, what will your answer be? If the pilot announces:
‘ladies & Gentlemen, I am sorry but I will have to crash land this plane. Buckle up and tighten your seat belts.’
At that moment when death seems inevitable, when it is now or never and you have but one moment to live, what will your answer be?
Citizens of heaven, lend me your ears. I read in Philippians 3:20 that ‘our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.’ At this point, I must have to stop and ask - who are the citizens of heaven? What qualifies one to be a citizen in heaven? Well, it is only natural that we ask the same questions that are required of us to ask when we seek to be citizens of any nation or country here on earth.
Questions like:
1) Who is the president of heaven? Is it a democratic government, a dictatorship or what?
2) What is the yard stick for becoming a citizen in heaven?
3) Who presides over the applications for citizenship?
4) Where does one obtain the citizenship form if any?
5) Is the citizenship for sale?
6) Who must I know to make heaven?
7) Do I need a godfather? Is it a ‘who is who’ system of citizenship?
I’ve got good news for you! Citizens of heaven, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze, lend me your ears. Using the biblical standard, where we have often learn that there is indeed a place like heaven; let me start by answering the above questions.
Quest. 1
Who is the president of heaven? Is it a democratic government, a dictatorship, or what?
Ans. Three persons rule as one president. They are called the Almighty God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Their system of governance and administration is not of this world. They are called the Holy Trinity. And it is neither a democratic government nor a dictatorship. It is simply, divine! It is a kingdom where Jesus Christ is the King. Rev. 19:16 calls Him ‘King of Kings and Lord or Lords.’ Ps. 10:16 says ‘the Lord is King forever.’
Quest. 2
What is the yardstick for becoming a citizen of heaven?
Ans. You must be born again for ‘except a man is born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God.’(John 3:3)
Quest. 3
Who presides over the applications for citizenship?
Ans. Jesus the Christ, the son of God. ‘Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.’ (Heb. 12:2; Acts 4:12)
Quest. 4
Where does one obtain the citizenship form if any?
Ans. There is no citizenship form but your name must be written in the lamb’s book of life which is in heaven.( Rev. 21:27)
Quest. 5
Is the citizenship for sale?
Ans. No! Never! Ever! All that is required of you from the King of Heaven is your spiritual fruit not religious nuts.
Quest. 6
Who must I know to make heaven?
Ans. You must know the Son of God - Jesus Christ – He is the Son of God. John 3:16 tells us that ‘for God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son…’ The bible further tells us in 2 Ptr. 1:17 that ‘this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’
Quest. 7
Do I need a godfather? Is it a ‘who is who’ system of citizenship?
Ans. absolutely not! You do not need a godfather. Of course, the only Godfather you will need is the Godfather in the Godhead. (Rom. 1:20, Col. 2:9) Matt. 6:9 tells us to pray to Him as ‘Our father who hath in heaven.’
So my fellow citizens of heaven, is it not wonderful to know that where we are going has no need of any human influence what so ever! No amount of money can buy one a place in heaven. No relation to any being other than Jesus Himself, can give you claim to citizenship. Unlike the American citizenship where you have to be born in the United States or you have to fulfil certain official requirement, you do not need to be born anywhere other than to be born again. You may come from the lowest slums and still make heaven. You might or might not have an education and still make heaven. You do not need a visa to travel there. The only visa you need is confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord and accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. How simple! How sweet. As one of our sisters put it, you do not need a recharge card to call Him. You are just a prayer away from Him. You can talk to the President of Heaven at anytime, any day and anywhere. That is a privilege that not even certain earthly princes and princesses have with their kingly fathers. Until the day we join Him in the place we call Heaven, if you are a Christian, you are not a citizen of this world trying to get to Heaven; you are a citizen of Heaven making your way through this world. let us continue to thank God that He has given us such liberty and let us praise His Holy name forever and ever and ever for He reigns forever more! Amen.
Chalya Princess Miri-Gazhi
Citizens of heaven, lend me your ears. Come and let us reason together. This heaven that we seek, is it for real?
I have heard lots of tales about this heaven. I was told that its streets are made of gold. I was told that heaven is full of joy. I was also told that in heaven there is simply no sun, no moon, just the light of God exuding His glory from one end of heaven to another. Ah! I have heard a thousand songs describing the boundless joy that awaits those who make it to this heaven. Even worldly songs have lyrics that speak of a home that is heavenly and incomparable to the wealth and riches of this present world. From the pulpit, I have heard a million messages preached about the dangers of missing such an awesome place or the rewards that comes to anyone who as much as passes through the gates of heaven. Countless books have been written about this heaven. Endless analogies have been given in order that an understanding of the glorious and majestic splendour of heaven might be comprehended by the human mind. Some have claims of visions of heaven – true or false. Some have claims of visitations from heavenly beings – true or false.
Citizens of heaven, lend me your ears. Are these things true? Is there truly a place in existence like heaven? Where have all our dead brothers and sisters gone to? Where have all our dead moms and dads gone to? Where have all our deceased loved ones gone to? But the most intriguing and the most critical of questions, is this: ONE DAY, YOU TOO WILL BE GONE AND WHEN YOUR TIME IS UP, WHERE WILL YOU GO? The time of truth will surely come and then you must ask yourself, without an iota of a doubt, without a twinge of uncertainty and with a soul search that only you can do, what then will your answer be? When a revolver or a gun is at your head, and you have just 2 minutes to live and your time is up, what will your answer be? If the pilot announces:
‘ladies & Gentlemen, I am sorry but I will have to crash land this plane. Buckle up and tighten your seat belts.’
At that moment when death seems inevitable, when it is now or never and you have but one moment to live, what will your answer be?
Citizens of heaven, lend me your ears. I read in Philippians 3:20 that ‘our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.’ At this point, I must have to stop and ask - who are the citizens of heaven? What qualifies one to be a citizen in heaven? Well, it is only natural that we ask the same questions that are required of us to ask when we seek to be citizens of any nation or country here on earth.
Questions like:
1) Who is the president of heaven? Is it a democratic government, a dictatorship or what?
2) What is the yard stick for becoming a citizen in heaven?
3) Who presides over the applications for citizenship?
4) Where does one obtain the citizenship form if any?
5) Is the citizenship for sale?
6) Who must I know to make heaven?
7) Do I need a godfather? Is it a ‘who is who’ system of citizenship?
I’ve got good news for you! Citizens of heaven, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze, lend me your ears. Using the biblical standard, where we have often learn that there is indeed a place like heaven; let me start by answering the above questions.
Quest. 1
Who is the president of heaven? Is it a democratic government, a dictatorship, or what?
Ans. Three persons rule as one president. They are called the Almighty God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Their system of governance and administration is not of this world. They are called the Holy Trinity. And it is neither a democratic government nor a dictatorship. It is simply, divine! It is a kingdom where Jesus Christ is the King. Rev. 19:16 calls Him ‘King of Kings and Lord or Lords.’ Ps. 10:16 says ‘the Lord is King forever.’
Quest. 2
What is the yardstick for becoming a citizen of heaven?
Ans. You must be born again for ‘except a man is born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God.’(John 3:3)
Quest. 3
Who presides over the applications for citizenship?
Ans. Jesus the Christ, the son of God. ‘Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.’ (Heb. 12:2; Acts 4:12)
Quest. 4
Where does one obtain the citizenship form if any?
Ans. There is no citizenship form but your name must be written in the lamb’s book of life which is in heaven.( Rev. 21:27)
Quest. 5
Is the citizenship for sale?
Ans. No! Never! Ever! All that is required of you from the King of Heaven is your spiritual fruit not religious nuts.
Quest. 6
Who must I know to make heaven?
Ans. You must know the Son of God - Jesus Christ – He is the Son of God. John 3:16 tells us that ‘for God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son…’ The bible further tells us in 2 Ptr. 1:17 that ‘this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’
Quest. 7
Do I need a godfather? Is it a ‘who is who’ system of citizenship?
Ans. absolutely not! You do not need a godfather. Of course, the only Godfather you will need is the Godfather in the Godhead. (Rom. 1:20, Col. 2:9) Matt. 6:9 tells us to pray to Him as ‘Our father who hath in heaven.’
So my fellow citizens of heaven, is it not wonderful to know that where we are going has no need of any human influence what so ever! No amount of money can buy one a place in heaven. No relation to any being other than Jesus Himself, can give you claim to citizenship. Unlike the American citizenship where you have to be born in the United States or you have to fulfil certain official requirement, you do not need to be born anywhere other than to be born again. You may come from the lowest slums and still make heaven. You might or might not have an education and still make heaven. You do not need a visa to travel there. The only visa you need is confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord and accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. How simple! How sweet. As one of our sisters put it, you do not need a recharge card to call Him. You are just a prayer away from Him. You can talk to the President of Heaven at anytime, any day and anywhere. That is a privilege that not even certain earthly princes and princesses have with their kingly fathers. Until the day we join Him in the place we call Heaven, if you are a Christian, you are not a citizen of this world trying to get to Heaven; you are a citizen of Heaven making your way through this world. let us continue to thank God that He has given us such liberty and let us praise His Holy name forever and ever and ever for He reigns forever more! Amen.
Chalya Princess Miri-Gazhi
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