What is in a gift?
I have often been asked. I have heard people exclaim even as they hurry to open up their respective birthday gifts or wedding gifts or anniversary gifts and afterwards ask- what is in a gift? What’s the euphoria all about, they wonder, obviously disappointed at the gift offering and hoping to have gotten something more exquisite or invaluable or maybe, something that will last forever. Who knows! Whatever the reason maybe for the euphoria or disappointment of the recipient of a gift, there is always that element of curiosity and then surprise or shock, pending on the degree of expectancy from the supposed giver.
You would all agree with me that what makes gift wrapping-sheet business a profitable enterprise, is the sheer nature of curiosity that is enshrouded beneath all that glittering and shimmering fascinating packaging. No wonder the inventor of the gift called Hamper will forever be thankful to God for giving him such a simple yet brilliant idea. Wise one! All he had to do was tap into the human craving for surprise and curiosity. Well, he did a good job of it!
So no matter how angry or unhappy we are, the mere presentation of a gift with all its attractive exterior packaging always seem to get the best of us; melting even the most resolute of hearts.
Do you wonder the pride of a first time parent when a child is born; the shrieking glee of a boy on his first bicycle ride; the beaming smiles of a groom when he kisses his bride; and even the hurried pace of an employee on her first day at work, all culminates into the joy we get when we open life’s daily delightful packages.
So what is in a gift? The fifteenth verse and the ninth chapter of 2nd Corinthians of the Bible (II cor.9:15) tells me that:
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
How often I have read this verse to myself. Again and again, my eyes run through these simple words ‘thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!’ It never ceases to baffle me. Actually, I’m amazed at the depth of thoughts that suddenly runs through my head every time I read these words.
And then it dawned on me that God who always sends His love and gifts in simple packages had sent me yet another insightful gift only this time, He wrapped it up as He is wont to do - in a simple and unassuming sentence: ‘thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!’ In that sentence alone, I see the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross; I feel the pain and shame he bore for me. I hear the crackle of the whip as it lashes out at Jesus and I taste the tears He shed just for me. Like a rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall and thought of me, above all. (so goes the song lyrics.)
That, my friend, is what is in a gift! So when next we are given a gift, let us appreciate the following attributes of the gift: the thought behind the gift, the motive of the giver, the package of the gift but most important of all, the content of the gift. All these put together is what is totally in a gift. It is therefore understandable that when the Most High God decided to give mankind a gift, it had to be nothing but the very best of gifts which the bible refers to as “His indescribable gift”. Some call it His unspeakable gift but this gift that He gave, no one has ever given and no one can ever fully comprehend how much it cost Him. Is it sacrificial? Is it unconditional? Or is it Divine? It is all these put together and much more. It is called Agape Love; God’s own Love imputed in us because of the sacrifice someone dared to make for us.
One thing I do know though, and so should you; He came and He died and He rose again just for you and for me. His name is Jesus Christ, the son of the Most High God. Have you ever met Him? I have. Have you ever known Him? I do. Do you want to meet Him? Just call His name, Jesus, and He’ll be there.
Jesus loves you.
Join me as we welcome a new dawn in our lives.
I have often been asked. I have heard people exclaim even as they hurry to open up their respective birthday gifts or wedding gifts or anniversary gifts and afterwards ask- what is in a gift? What’s the euphoria all about, they wonder, obviously disappointed at the gift offering and hoping to have gotten something more exquisite or invaluable or maybe, something that will last forever. Who knows! Whatever the reason maybe for the euphoria or disappointment of the recipient of a gift, there is always that element of curiosity and then surprise or shock, pending on the degree of expectancy from the supposed giver.
You would all agree with me that what makes gift wrapping-sheet business a profitable enterprise, is the sheer nature of curiosity that is enshrouded beneath all that glittering and shimmering fascinating packaging. No wonder the inventor of the gift called Hamper will forever be thankful to God for giving him such a simple yet brilliant idea. Wise one! All he had to do was tap into the human craving for surprise and curiosity. Well, he did a good job of it!
So no matter how angry or unhappy we are, the mere presentation of a gift with all its attractive exterior packaging always seem to get the best of us; melting even the most resolute of hearts.
Do you wonder the pride of a first time parent when a child is born; the shrieking glee of a boy on his first bicycle ride; the beaming smiles of a groom when he kisses his bride; and even the hurried pace of an employee on her first day at work, all culminates into the joy we get when we open life’s daily delightful packages.
So what is in a gift? The fifteenth verse and the ninth chapter of 2nd Corinthians of the Bible (II cor.9:15) tells me that:
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
How often I have read this verse to myself. Again and again, my eyes run through these simple words ‘thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!’ It never ceases to baffle me. Actually, I’m amazed at the depth of thoughts that suddenly runs through my head every time I read these words.
And then it dawned on me that God who always sends His love and gifts in simple packages had sent me yet another insightful gift only this time, He wrapped it up as He is wont to do - in a simple and unassuming sentence: ‘thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!’ In that sentence alone, I see the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross; I feel the pain and shame he bore for me. I hear the crackle of the whip as it lashes out at Jesus and I taste the tears He shed just for me. Like a rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall and thought of me, above all. (so goes the song lyrics.)
That, my friend, is what is in a gift! So when next we are given a gift, let us appreciate the following attributes of the gift: the thought behind the gift, the motive of the giver, the package of the gift but most important of all, the content of the gift. All these put together is what is totally in a gift. It is therefore understandable that when the Most High God decided to give mankind a gift, it had to be nothing but the very best of gifts which the bible refers to as “His indescribable gift”. Some call it His unspeakable gift but this gift that He gave, no one has ever given and no one can ever fully comprehend how much it cost Him. Is it sacrificial? Is it unconditional? Or is it Divine? It is all these put together and much more. It is called Agape Love; God’s own Love imputed in us because of the sacrifice someone dared to make for us.
One thing I do know though, and so should you; He came and He died and He rose again just for you and for me. His name is Jesus Christ, the son of the Most High God. Have you ever met Him? I have. Have you ever known Him? I do. Do you want to meet Him? Just call His name, Jesus, and He’ll be there.
Jesus loves you.
Join me as we welcome a new dawn in our lives.
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