Tuesday, December 2, 2014

But My Spirit Holds

Born a woman in a crazy country, surrounded by discriminatory traditions of men
Born a second in an average family of 10, with all the challenges of kith and kin
Born a Christian and not knowing who Christ is until Christ introduced himself to me
Born and steeped in the relics of religiosity, held back by inhibitions of conventions
But my spirit held

Born in an impossible country, where the act of faith is a feat of its own kind
Bombed with sweet colours and flavours of multi-ethnic conflation
Buttered with the biliousness of religious and military severity
Bested, blamed biased and held by a bootlace of hope and affection
Brazenly my spirit held    

Balderdash swirling like clouds above me, denied a place of residence within me
Bucolic lovers have become bucolic slayers of men, women and children
Bodies of unacknowledged past corpses dug out of nationhood navigated in bloody murky waters of past wars
Brave victims and warriors of all manner of historical injustices still crying out for compensations that may never come
Brazenly my spirit held

Baffled by the offensive basic instincts of a deformed mind of blind supremacy
Banshee wailings of the spirit of an orphaned nation gives warning of a demise that can be prevented
But the belligerence of barbaric domination will not heed the sense and sounds of times
Bottlenecks of ethnic, religious, regional and vested attachments obstructing the flow of life to a wheezing nation
But tenaciously, my spirit held
Beaten, battered, wounded, trampled and crushed
Bold valiant audacious Nigeria
Bestowed with the beauty of nature of mind and of resilient people
Bitter braving odds, unrelenting breed of children who will not bow or yield
But our spirit holds.

~ Chalya Princess Miri-Gazhi

Dedicated to the resilient Nigerian people.

Hope this poetic prose lifted your spirit. Don't go away without dropping a few lines just so I know you passed by. Also you can engage with me at my twitter handle: @signetseal :-)

Image credits: "The unbroken spirit" Loretta & Charles Aniagolu; recreateyourlifetoday.blogspot.com; google.com

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